سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن


(email sent 2-9-11)

My great-grandmother always made certain to call me every year on my birthday to sing to me. As I grew older, I failed to appreciate it as much.

My birthday is next week and I just came across the clip that was shared of someone"s grandma singing to them for their birthday. If you could, thank her for sharing because it helped fill a hole I"ve had in my heart for several years.

I have tears streaming down my cheeks, the happy kind and a few of the sad kind. Just feeling very thankful for the phone calls I did get and planning to continue the tradition with my nieces and nephew so maybe they"ll have a clip like that one day.

(email and voice mail sent 2-3-11)

After my grandmother passed away I saved a voice mail of her singing "It"s somebody"s birthday" on my phone. It means a lot to me that she always called on my birthday to sing me this song. This particular recording is still sent out to every member of my family on their birthday. She passed away in October of 2009.

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